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Research Showcase December 2017
Closed, ResolvedPublic



  • Leila

When: Weds, December 13, 2017

Host: @DarTar
IRC host: @Capt_Swing

Confirm with speakersX
Request the event to be created in the staff calendarX
Upload abstractsX
Create Hangout Air event in advanceX
Email to the listsX
Let office@ know about the guestsn/a
Reminder to lists on WednesdayX
Announce via social mediaX
Upload presenter slides to FigshareX
Add slides and video linkX

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Event Timeline

leila updated the task description. (Show Details)
leila added a subscriber: srodlund.

@srodlund can you help us with moving this showcase to December 13? (currently scheduled for the 20th on the Staff Calendar).

@leila can you confirm to me as soon as possible:

  • the name of presenter(s)
  • a title and abstract

leila added a subscriber: LGoto.

@LGoto I've uploaded the slides at Can you let me know when the link for videos is ready? I'd like to send out the email to wiki-research-l and wikimedia-l myself, if that's fine, as there are a few people involved in this project that may catch it more easily that way.

@leila I see your summary but I don't see the slides there. Can you double check?

I've CCed you on the video link email to techsupport@

As for the emails, will you also be sending to We will need to send reminder emails on the day of as well.


@leila I see your summary but I don't see the slides there. Can you double check?

Slides will go there after the talk and that is okay. We usually try to get them from researchers soon after their presentation.

I've CCed you on the video link email to techsupport@

great. thanks.

As for the emails, will you also be sending to We will need to send reminder emails on the day of as well.

@DarTar I'm fine with sending the emails to only wiki-research-l and wikimedia-l for this presentation, and skip the other mailing lists. The topic sounds like most relevant to those lists. Do you want it in other lists, too?

leila added subscribers: Miriam, diego, Capt_Swing.

@Capt_Swing @Miriam @diego I can manage without a host for this session (same as the one we did in November 2016), but it would be good if one of you can help me with reading back questions from IRC. Can you help?

@leila Jonathan is actually confirmed as IRC host this week, and I'll be running the show as usual.

@Miriam @diego: if you want to help in a hosting/IRC hosting role, we have plenty of open slots (and confirmed dates) through June 2018.

Great. Thanks @DarTar and Jonathan.

@LGato I had a quick chat with Dario and it's best if you send out the announcements. Sorry for flip-flopping. Can you help with those? (btw, I know we're approaching the EOD. If the video link doesn't get ready before 17:00 PT, we can send the announcement out without it and say that the link to it will be updated in the research showcase page.)

Links are ready, emails have been sent.

Sorry, looks like I am unable to post to - can someone else do this one? @leila maybe? All other lists have been mailed.

@leila Nevermind, @DarTar added me so I've sent the final email. All set!

@LGoto thanks. Your announcement email says the showcase starts at 18:15 UTC. Shouldn't that be 18:30 UTC? The extra 15 hour at the beginning are usually used for the speaker's A/V testing and set up. It's probably not a bad idea to send a correction email.

@DarTar I added the slides to the showcase page. You mentioned you may want to do some more tweets. If you want to do that, you may want to use as the image, and link to the video. I'm fine with other choices as well. Go for it. :) Thanks.