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Update Node.js version/dependencies in package.json
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Per wt:Services/FirstDeployment#package.json, we should update package.json to include the version of Node.js that's required to run the project and a complete list of dependencies.


Open Questions

  1. I'm assuming that Ops wouldn't be happy with the puppeteer library downloading a version of Chromium when the service is launched. So:
    1. Is this a genuine concern?
    2. Which version of Debian is used in production (on the SCB)?
    3. Which version of Chromium would be downloaded for that Debian version?
  2. Following on from #1, can we stop the puppeteer library from downloading a version of Chromium and rely on a package instead?

Event Timeline

I'm assuming that Ops wouldn't be happy with the puppeteer library downloading a version of Chromium when the service is launched.

Since we're using the deploy repo, all the binaries will be in that repository. So puppeteer will download chromium on first load, but that will only happen locally and commited to the deploy repo for use in production.

I'm assuming that Ops wouldn't be happy with the puppeteer library downloading a version of Chromium when the service is launched.

Since we're using the deploy repo, all the binaries will be in that repository. So puppeteer will download chromium on first load, but that will only happen locally and commited to the deploy repo for use in production.

Are we sure that we're running the same version of Debian locally as on the production servers? In T178189, it's been pointed out that there's a package available for Chromium already. Are we absolutely sure that we need a specific version of Chromium? If not, then we can do away with a little complexity; if so, then we could also create a package for that version (if it doesn't already exist) and make puppeteer skip the download.

We're not sure. This needs investigation.

We discussed this during grooming. The node version is already up to date and we're not yet sure whether it's best to bundle chromium with puppeteer. Closing for now.