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Work on Recommending Images to Wikidata Items
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Onboarding Project:

  • Create a Meta Page
  • Define the exploratory image domain: monuments
  • Create dataset of items and image candidates
  • Build a Relevance Model
  • Build a Quality model

Q3 goal:

  1. Retrieve lists of wikidata items T184734
  2. Retrieve candidate images for wikidata items T184737
  3. Filter candidate images by relevance T184738
  4. Build a model for image quality T184739
  5. Filter candidate images by quality T184740
  6. Evaluate

Obervations - bottlenecks:

  • 1 needs domain expertise for e.g. monuments and distribute process for reading dumps
  • 4 speed-up with GPU, also pixels are not available internally

Event Timeline

Miriam updated the task description. (Show Details)
Miriam updated the task description. (Show Details)
leila triaged this task as High priority.Jan 9 2018, 5:06 PM
leila added a project: Research-2017-18-Q3.
leila moved this task from Backlog to In Progress on the Research board.
leila subscribed.
DarTar edited projects, added Research-Archive; removed Research.