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Interaction Timeline V1: Loading indicator
Closed, ResolvedPublic3 Estimated Story Points


Problem to solve

The tool can take several seconds to load, and the lack of visual indication makes it impossible to know if something failed, if there are no results, or if the tool is loading.

Acceptance criteria

  • Have a "loading" flag — turn it on/off in the state. Have a conditional in the component.
  • Display a loading indicator when the tool is loading and generating the supports.
  • Use a bootstrap loading indicator for now, we will convert to OOjs UI in T180090

Event Timeline

@dmaza I think the best way to do this would be to have either a loading boolean or a status (i.e. ready, fetching, done, etc.) enum that tells you the status of the list. We might want to move the actually data down a level in the store (i.e. move pages to pages → list so then you can have a pages → status). Obviously you'll need to change the bool/enum in the reducer(s) as well as the epic(s).

However, if you come up with something better go for it. :)

@dbarratt Since there is only one status we care about (loading) and there is only one request where this will show up I think a simple boolean should do it.

@dbarratt Since there is only one status we care about (loading) and there is only one request where this will show up I think a simple boolean should do it.

Makes sense to me! we might have to changing it when we do pagination, but we can worry about that later. :)