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"Add links" under "Languages" for newly created pages only shows "An unknown error occured"
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Link "add links" on "Languages" section is not working on new pages, it returns the message "An unkonwn error occured". It has been reported supposedly after deployment of version 1.31.0-wmf.8 (

Checked on group 1 wikis,, ca.wiktionary, en.wiktionary with any page of Special:NewPages. On Wiktionaries only with category namespace. On commons this happens to all categories not yet linked to any wikidata items.

Other wikis not included in group 1 are working fine.

Event Timeline

Hi @Vriullop, thanks for taking the time to report this! Confirming for these steps:

Aklapper renamed this task from Add links for new pages is not working to "Add links" under "Languages" for newly created pages not working: "An unknown error occured".Nov 16 2017, 5:42 PM
Aklapper added a project: Wikidata.
Aklapper renamed this task from "Add links" under "Languages" for newly created pages not working: "An unknown error occured" to "Add links" under "Languages" for newly created pages only shows "An unknown error occured" when Wikidata DB is locked.Nov 16 2017, 5:47 PM

For the underlying issue (Wikidata DB and other DBs like dewiki being locked) which triggered this "unknown error", please refer to T180714: s5 primary master db1063 crashed (and potentially T180724: mw2251 hardware error) instead.

The same issue happens as well on Commons. I went on clicked there on the left hand menu under In Wikipedida on 'Add links' and get the error message "An unknown error"occurred".

This happens according to my findings to any category page on Commons which is not yet linked to wikidata.

So i will change the description as to include commons.wikimedia in the wikis this issue happens.

Robby triaged this task as High priority.Nov 16 2017, 10:12 PM
Robby updated the task description. (Show Details)
Robby renamed this task from "Add links" under "Languages" for newly created pages only shows "An unknown error occured" when Wikidata DB is locked to "Add links" under "Languages" for newly created pages only shows "An unknown error occured".Nov 17 2017, 2:47 PM
Robby claimed this task.

By now this issue is solved (at least from what I noticed) Aadding links to other languages is again working at least from both Commons and en.wikipedia.

I tested with as ell as on commons with

Many thanks to all those involved in the solution of this issue.