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Re-show nav bar when making TOC selections
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Mhurd added a subscriber: JMinor.


Adding this to 5.8 per conversation at yesterday's task sync.

Testing criteria

For tablet and phone:

  • load any article
  • scroll down a bit in the article until the top navigation bar goes away
  • tap the TOC icon and make a selection from a different section than the one you are currently seeing
  • ensure the top navigation bar has re-appeared after TOC selection is made

Testing on iPhone 6 Plus (iOS 11.1.2) and Wikipedia app 5.7.2 (1267). According to the attached video making a ToC selection still doesn't make the navigation bar re-appear (however, this may not be quite what is wanted, it does reappear if you scroll up a bit in the article afterwards).

Working for me on Wikipedia app 5.7.3 (1281). @Nicholas.tsg, can you retest this one as well?