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ContentTranslation should not reload the whole page after 10 seconds (restoring against older version of source)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


After waiting for ~10 seconds for it to prepare a new translation it seems to restart the whole process. This is not only slow, it is annoying:

Event Timeline

Nikerabbit renamed this task from ContentTranslation should not reload the whole page after 10 seconds (FOUC?) to ContentTranslation should not reload the whole page after 10 seconds (restoring against older version of source).Jan 7 2019, 2:43 PM
Nikerabbit added a project: Design.
Etonkovidova claimed this task.
Etonkovidova subscribed.
The interesting point in the issue - the new translation is started, but the old translation attempts to load and triggers the warning  "The source page may have changed significantly".

Two improvements have been introduced since the issue was filed:

The issue might be possible - but it should be a rare case of sort of a racing condition, so if new reports come that it happens more often, then the task might be re-open