Project Information
- Name of tool/project: OIT Account Management Tool
- Project home page: None
- Name of team requesting review: Office IT
- Primary contact: @bbogaert
- Target date for deployment: 4/1/2018
- Link to code repository / patchset: Can provide once task is private
Description of the tool/project
The tool is an Python FLASK application to manage Office IT LDAP accounts. It also incorporates Google OAuth for login.
Description of how the tool will be used at WMF
This tool will be used by Office IT to manage accounts. The tool will also allow staff to view their LDAP information and update their passwords in Office IT LDAP that are also used for VPN, WiFi and G-Suite. The tool also allows Office IT to administer mailman lists, and Wiki (office, meta, collab, foundation) accounts.
Has this project been reviewed before?
This project is currently being reviewed as but we have completely rewritten it.
Working test environment
Can provide once this task is private.