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Grey lines appearing while scrolling up the 2010 wikitext editor window with a scroll wheel under Timeless skin in IE11
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I tested the Timeless skin at IE11 while using one of old WikiEditors. The editing and the skin function all right in IE11. One issue while editing a page under the Timeless skin is seeing grey lines while I scroll up the editing window of one of old WikiEditors 2010 wikitext editor.


Untitled.png (1×1 px, 228 KB)

Event Timeline

Is that line about text field? i.e. have you clicked that grey line to try typing some texts?

Oh yeah... Almost forgot. When I click the text field, or when I type something, the grey lines disappear. The lines reappear when I scroll up the field.

Is this still happening? I don't wanna install IE, but I probably could to actually look into fixing this, if it still needs it.

If you use the IE11 on either Windows 7, 8 or 10 (if 10, then enable IE11 via Edge), and if you enable the 2010 wikitext editor, you scroll up the editor and then see the grey lines. The grey lines immediately disappear when you move the mouse cursor or scroll down the editor.

Here's the screenshot:

Untitled.png (1×1 px, 228 KB)

gh87 renamed this task from Grey lines appearing while scrolling up one of old WikiEditor windows with a scroll wheel under Timelines skin in IE11 to Grey lines appearing while scrolling up the 2010 wikitext editor window with a scroll wheel under Timelines skin in IE11.Aug 16 2019, 10:58 PM
gh87 updated the task description. (Show Details)

All right, thanks. I'll look into this.

Also seriously what is the world coming to when working on IE bugs seems like a relaxing change of pace...

All right, can definitely reproduce on windows 7, but IE's dev tools are all broken, so I'm a bit limited at the moment...

(Can't reproduce on windows 10 because IE11 on that one seems to have decided it's actually IE6 and has refused to load half the stylesheets and any js. But the entire OS on that one is a bit fried, so I'm not going to read into that.)

It appears this is caused by an interaction between the Timeless text area box shadows and the WikiEditor toolbar styling. They're both fine by themselves.

gh87 renamed this task from Grey lines appearing while scrolling up the 2010 wikitext editor window with a scroll wheel under Timelines skin in IE11 to Grey lines appearing while scrolling up the 2010 wikitext editor window with a scroll wheel under Timeless skin in IE11.Aug 17 2019, 1:32 AM

Change 530650 had a related patch set uploaded (by Isarra; owner: Isarra):
[mediawiki/skins/Timeless@master] Fixes for IE11 and 9 too because fine we're going there and it's two lines

Change 530650 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/skins/Timeless@master] Fix weird lines appearing in IE with Extension:WikiEditor

Isarra claimed this task.

Sorry, but the gerrit code didn't fix the problem. The issue still persists as seen below:

Untitled.png (952×1 px, 171 KB)

It won't actually hit enwp until the third or the fifth, based on the patch notes.

Sorry, but the gerrit code didn't fix the problem. The issue still persists as seen below:

Issues are resolved when fully merged, not when deployed.