List of clusters/nodes that need to be upgraded (if possible):
- AQS - aqs100[4-9] - T196138
- Archiva - meitnerium - T192639
- conf100[123] - T182924 - moved zookeeper to conf100[4-6]
- conf200[123] - to be discussed with the SRE team if possible/feasible/worth
- Druid Analytics - druid100[1-3] - T192636
- Druid Public - druid100[4-6] - T192636
- Hadoop worker nodes - analytics10[28-68] - T192557
- Hadoop coordinator - analytics1003 - OOW, might be better to install stretch on the replacement
- Hadoop Master nodes - analytics100[1,2] - OOW, might be better to install stretch on the replacements - T203635
- Kafka Analytics - kafka1012->23 - OOW, going to be decommed as soon as the last producer (MW Monolog Avro) is moved to Modern Event Platform (Should happen in Q3)
- Piwik - bohrium - T202962
- Statistics cruncher - stat1004 - T192640
- Analytics Webserver - thorium - T192641