Audiences leaders would like to understand better how much content/value is created by different groups of editors to help us understand how we should balance our engineering efforts between different audiences. One aspect of this is how much content/value new editors contribute, to help us understand how valuable new editors are in themselves, leaving out their potential to turn into established editors.
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@Neil_P._Quinn_WMF please add stakeholders and "why"/value for this task, per triage. :)
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Investigate what proportion of edits are done by new and existing editors.
Maybe the following is helpful? I've been working on this query to get the proportion of surviving pages created by new and experienced editors. This is adapted from
acc_r =""" SELECT wiki_db, date_format(event_timestamp, "YYYY-MM") AS month, IF(coalesce(datediff(event_timestamp, ssac.dt) > 252, true), "experienced", "new") AS user_experience, IF(revision_is_deleted_by_page_deletion, "deleted", "survived") AS status, count(*) AS num_articles_created FROM wmf.mediawiki_history mh LEFT JOIN event_sanitized.serversideaccountcreation ssac ON ssac.event.username = event_user_text AND ssac.year >= 0 WHERE mh.snapshot = "{MWH_SNAPSHOT}" AND mh.event_timestamp >= "{Y_START_DATE}" AND event_entity = 'page' AND event_type = "create" AND wiki_db in ({india_wiki_dbs}) GROUP BY wiki_db, date_format(event_timestamp, "YYYY-MM"), IF(coalesce(datediff(event_timestamp, ssac.dt) > 252, true), "experienced", "new"), IF(revision_is_deleted_by_page_deletion, "deleted", "survived") """.format(**query_vars))
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We don't have any specific plans to work on this, although it would still be useful to research.