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Modern Event Platform Specification (TEC2)
Closed, DuplicatePublic


Ensure that TechCom RFCs are underway and technical decisions are made.
TEC2 Outputs 1.1-1.4

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Event Timeline

CCicalese_WMF renamed this task from Modern Event Platform Specification. to Modern Event Platform Specification.Jul 11 2018, 9:08 PM
CCicalese_WMF renamed this task from Modern Event Platform Specification to Modern Event Platform Specification (TEC2).Jul 12 2018, 2:39 AM
Pchelolo subscribed.

I believe we could either merge this with the parent or use this one for our part of the work (which is still unclear what exactly that part will be)

Hm oh, hadn't seen this one. Merging makes sense I guess?

Ye, @CCicalese_WMF was creating them for each goad the Core Platform team is a part of. I'll merge