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deployment-tin:/srv/mediawiki-staging/wmf-config/event-schemas is out of sync
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krenair@deployment-tin:/srv/mediawiki-staging$ git diff
diff --git a/wmf-config/event-schemas b/wmf-config/event-schemas
index 4db9d40d2..b50f4e076 160000
--- a/wmf-config/event-schemas
+++ b/wmf-config/event-schemas
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit 4db9d40d28d61c53cdbca77059d9a2a6e714af89
+Subproject commit b50f4e0763f4bfa8abf1c4f3afd43cd6067652af

Event Timeline

CCing some people who have touched this submodule before

I am not aware of having voluntarily touched that config before. Perhaps the 'scap' tests? Or maintenance scripts?

For the search part of this, we do reference the schemas in there at runtime to encode some logging. That schema hasn't changed in some time (year+) though, so I'm pretty sure no one on the search team would have pushed an update.

Apparently this is something a team manages and that not always the latest commit is the prefered one as per 068ed6ea355c.

That wasn't reverted because it was the wrong one, it was reverted because bumping that submodule was completely unrelated to the patch being deployed. The inclusion of a submodule bump in the prior patch was unintentional and only noticed when we went to deploy it.

Pinging @Pchelolo as he may use this repo for testing purposes.

Pchelolo added a subscriber: Ottomata.

In production, the event-schemas are deployed automatically as soon as a patch is merged in gerrit in this repo. I don't have any idea why that shouldn't be done the same way in labs. @Ottomata was setting up this repo, so pinging him

I'm assuming whoever set up the submodule in mediawiki-config forgot to add a git submodule update or something to the script that jenkins runs in beta to keep that repo up to date

I'm not sure I knew this repo was even in wmf-config. Not sure why it is there...I'm pretty sure the EventBus extension doesn't use it. It might only be here for @EBernhardson's Avro schema usage...which I think we want to eventually deprecate (but it might take a while...)

If this submodule is not referenced by anything else other than mediawiki then there should be no reason to bump it in deployment-prep, I'd be for resetting it to 4db9d40d28d61c53cdbca77059d9a2a6e714af89 to match prod.
Side note: I'm pretty sure that was unnecessary. This submodule in mw-config is not meant to be updated whenever a change to it is applied, only when schema used by MW is updated.
Then to the question: why event-schema was bumped directly on deployment-tin? I have no clue, so if nobody requires it I'd be for cleaning it and align it to prod.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-releng) [2018-08-01T10:08:31Z] <dcausse> deployment-prep T199270: fix dirty diff on wmf-config/event-schema submodule on deployment-tin and deployment-deploy01

dcausse claimed this task.