For very large files (especially videos), uploading by HTTP is awkward and error prone, and pushing the size limits beyond the ~100mb mark will just get more difficult. Most video-sharing sites include an upload-by-FTP option, which allows you to upload your large file with a dedicated FTP client and then import the video in.
We've talked on and off about implementing this but haven't done it yet. A few notes...
Simplest UI workflow:
- Click on 'upload by ftp' thingy
- It assigns you a token to log in with
- you FTP in with that username/pass (?)
- you FTP up your file
- back to your browser... click 'next' or 'refesh' or whatever
- it sees your file and asks you to confirm
- check size limits, extensions, etc stuff
- fetches file and does the usual checks and upload.
To avoid having to restructure the entire workflow for now, this is for one-at-a-time initially; new iface needed for multiple files.
- what infrastructure needed to allow logins on the ftp?
- setting upload limits on the ftp?
- do we want secure ftp? (ssl or sftp?)
- how hard to send your token to someone else?
- how to actually fetch the file? (nfs, ftp, webdav)
Version: unspecified
Severity: enhancement