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Tool 'wp-world' gives 404s
Open, Needs TriagePublic

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Authored By
Jul 15 2018, 5:46 PM
Referenced Files
F31786999: index.html
Apr 29 2020, 4:22 PM
F28280566: googlmaps-proxy.txt
Feb 25 2019, 10:31 AM
F28280463: googlmaps-proxy.txt
Feb 25 2019, 10:23 AM
F28280180: index.html
Feb 25 2019, 10:03 AM
F28280120: index.html
Feb 25 2019, 10:01 AM
"The World Burns" token, awarded by Dvorapa.


Every link transcluded from Wikidata regarding Google Maps geo-locations give a 404-error

For example, click on the Google Maps-link at the following Commons Category:

Hopefully this can be solved. also gives a 404-error. is still online. Please fix these issues.

Good luck and kind regards, Vincent Mia Edie Verheyen (talk) 14:08, 13 July 2018 (UTC).

Event Timeline

zhuyifei1999 renamed this task from Every link transcluded from Wikidata regarding Google Maps geo-locations give a 404-error to Tool 'wp-world' gives 404s.Jul 15 2018, 5:56 PM
zhuyifei1999 added a project: Commons.

Unfortunately this tools project seems no longer maintained. If you want it back I suggest finding a new volunteer maintainer and developer and petitioning for access to the service.

Also parts of the functionality of this service will no longer work, considering that Google maps is now a lot tougher on api access T196418: Google Maps keyless usage sunset on 2018-06-11 etc, and we are more stringent on privacy issues T172065: Hunt for Toolforge tools that load resources from third party sites. A rewrite of parts of it might be required.

On parts of my tool I'm still have a strong interest to maintain it.
But I deactivated the googlemaps proxy as I'm no expert on XSS security .
The source code of the script is:
So if somebody would be able to repair it it would be nice.

Main problem for wp-world seems the my database seem deleted/ moved and is described here:
Help would be very nice as the map is included inside different Wikipedias.

Hi. Just adding a comment to say that the geonotice maintainers on the English Wikipedia also use wp-world to produce a map of existing geonotices.

It'll be nice if we can have another tool to overlay the geonotice locations onto a world map.

This comment was removed by Dvorapa.

Ah, it seems php was not a good choice as you need to turn certain php anti-xss global variables on. I created my version of the tool, which unfortunately doesn't work too as Google wants to pay for every use of its new API. Anyway I don't know if this suffers the same XSS problem as original tool (I don't know if XSS is somehow prevented by jQuery), but you can use any part of my code freely (CC0):

@Kolossos To the original tool: You should at least wrap the $page into htmlSpecialChars($page, ENT_QUOTES) function to prevent the most usual types of XSS I know (but I learned how to solve XSS attacks in 2014, so I might have outdated knowledge). addslashes is really insufficient method. See the updated source:

@bd808 Google now requires to pay for using his Maps externally (i.e. in Toolforge tools), so any solution to the proxy issue would still not help restoring Google Maps tools. But Google provides free access for foundations, who ask for that. Could we somehow on behalf of WMF ask Google (through their provided contact form for these cases) for this access?

@bd808 Google now requires to pay for using his Maps externally (i.e. in Toolforge tools), so any solution to the proxy issue would still not help restoring Google Maps tools. But Google provides free access for foundations, who ask for that. Could we somehow on behalf of WMF ask Google (through their provided contact form for these cases) for this access?

That is a discussion that could be started. The Partnerships team would be the folks we would need to talk with about something like that. I'm not sure I understand well what services from Google Maps that you and other tool maintainers need, so making a separate task or wiki page somewhere to discuss that might be a good way to start. I would hope that we do not need Google to act as a tile server with the combination of the Maps Cloud VPS project and the Foundation maintained tile servers. Tools fetching tiles from outside of those two projects are currently the top blockers to me turning the Content-Security-Policy rules from T130748: Add Content-Security-Policy header enforcing 3rd party web interaction restrictions to proxy responses into enforcement mode in support of T133919: [EPIC] Protect end-user privacy by restricting non-consensual third-party browser interactions.