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Js error "Cannot read property 'stack' of undefined" from cxserver
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While translating en:Tennis_scoring_system. Second paragraph of "Scoring a tiebreak game" section gives this error.

The HTML snippet to reproduce the issue:

<section id="cxTargetSection38" data-mw-cx-source="undefined">
<p id="mwmw">

<span data-segmentid="197" class="cx-segment">The server begins his or her service from the
<a href="./Deuce_court" rel="mw:WikiLink" data-linkid="198" class="cx-link" id="mwnA" title="Deuce court">deuce court</a> and serves one point. </span>

<span data-segmentid="201" class="cx-segment">The first of each two-point sequence starts from the server's <a href="./Advantage_court" rel="mw:WikiLink" data-linkid="202" class="cx-link" id="mwnQ" title="Advantage court">advantage court</a>. </span>


The error is from lib/routes/v2.js

res.status( 500 ).end( error.stack );

Event Timeline

From the investigation the issue was because of these two links in HTML sample points to same article in English wikipedia. They are redirects. A bug in the API request batching causes a wrng rejection of a Promise in pending state.

Change 446561 had a related patch set uploaded (by Santhosh; owner: Santhosh):
[mediawiki/services/cxserver@master] BatchedAPIRequest: Fix the redirect handling

Change 446561 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/services/cxserver@master] BatchedAPIRequest: Fix the redirect handling

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2018-07-19T08:04:25Z] <kartik@deploy1001> Finished deploy [cxserver/deploy@fe0d521]: Update cxserver to 92e3d2e (T199380, T199885) (duration: 03m 58s)