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Add deletion log link to file-deleted-duplicate message
Open, Needs TriagePublic


Commons would like to modify the system message,, to include a link to the deletion log for the file in question. However, certain files require the parser {{urlencode:...} to function properly. When added to the parser does not render and the system message breaks. Testing on the beta cluster, the message renders as:

A file identical to this file ([[:$1]]) has previously been deleted. You should check that file's [{{urlencode:$1}} deletion history] before proceeding to re-upload it.

If the parser could be fixed so we can update the system message to include the link it would be appreciated. We could also add the link from inside MediaWiki itself, so all wikis would benefit :)

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Legoktm renamed this task from {{urlencode}} parser breaks system messages to Add deletion log link to file-deleted-duplicate message.Jul 23 2018, 12:50 AM
Legoktm updated the task description. (Show Details)
Legoktm subscribed.
Guanaco subscribed.

This issue is only within UploadWizard. <div>, {{parser:function}}, and {{template|argument}} syntax all work fine in Special:Upload and ordinary MediaWiki system messages.