Task: feature request that SCB should support showing the whole "församling" on a map today if a församling is split you can just see one part
- List "församlingar" with two "församlingskoder" because this unit belongs to two different "kommuner"
Related tasks: T199903: One "församling" has more "församlingskoder"
- Wikipedia Kulltorps församling , Wikidata Q10549927
- Belongs to
As we in Wikidata will have an Infobox with a link to the SCB it will be less confusing for the readers of WIkipedia to show the whole "församling" compare that we have asked RAÄ {T200157: Display Swedish parish borders in the webapp from Swedish RAÄ "Fornsok"} about "socken borders" . svWikipedia has today + 1 million readers/year of "socken artiklar" and we suspect the same numbers for "församlings artiklar"
User Story
As a reader of an article in Sv:Wikipedia about a church parish "församling" I would like to see a map with the borders of the "församling"
Example below of todays Wikipedia Infoboxes that we try to convert to using the data layer Wikidata as the source for the facts
Suggested feature
- Add a parameter to display also "församlingar" who has split by municipial border "delad av kommungräns" and display both
- Add the possibility to send in two "församlingskoder" ex. 061704,068303
Looks like the SCB application Regina has "extra allt" and if people will learn the application and understand the possibilities it will be no problem see video preferred I guess is to be able to show the whole "församling" with some split for the border between 2 "församlingskoder"