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Watch star is not updated when page is saved with "Watch this page" selected
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This was reported today at the German-language Wikipedia's village pump (permalink):

When saving an unwatched page in the old source mode while Watch this page is selected, the page is indeed added to the watchlist, but the watch star does not turn blue. For the watch star to correctly signal that the page is on the watchlist, one needs to manually reload the page.

When saving in visual editing mode, the watch star immediately turns blue, as is expected.

Event Timeline

Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

Checked in wmf.16 -yes, the page requires additional reload to make watch star blue. The article nevertheless is added to the watchlist correctly, as it was noticed in Wikipedia:Fragen zur Wikipedia.

The issue is not present in bealabs since old source mode is not available there.

MMiller_WMF edited projects, added Editing-team; removed Growth-Team, MediaWiki-Watchlist.
MMiller_WMF subscribed.

This seems more relevant for the Editing team. Assigning to them.

Ammarpad removed a project: TestMe.
Ammarpad subscribed.

Not reproducible on English Wikipedia