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Sort out the dependency of on pywikibot
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Added in rTHER4bb0c127, has a dependency on pywikibot for logging.

This means I can’t run it locally, as instructed by the ReadMe, as I don’t have pywikibot globally installed (it’s only in Docker).

Two ways forward:

  • Update the ReadMe to tell people to run the Python commands through docker-compose. It sort of works, except that it will also boot up the database container − which then has no tables to create ; and one needs to kill the DB, restart it etc. Could be solveable with another compose file.
  • Remove the dependency on pywikibot

Event Timeline

Change 454225 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jean-Frédéric; owner: Jean-Frédéric):
[labs/tools/heritage@master] Streamline start-up instructions in ReadMe

Update the ReadMe to tell people to run the Python commands through docker-compose. It sort of works, except that it will also boot up the database container − which then has no tables to create ; and one needs to kill the DB, restart it etc. Could be solveable with another compose file.

I submitted a patch for this (same Compose file, just using --no-deps)

Change 454225 merged by jenkins-bot:
[labs/tools/heritage@master] Streamline start-up instructions in ReadMe

per review comments. The set-up steps should be collected in a shell script. As it is missing the docker-compose up --build -d sticks you in an infinite loop of "waiting for database" which you cannot leave

Lokal_Profil closed this task as Resolved.EditedMay 27 2019, 9:26 AM
Lokal_Profil claimed this task.

Moved the last comment to a separate task so that this can be resolved