New wikis have been created on August 2, 2018. They need to be added to the tables.
See screenshot below.
Dzahn | |
Aug 21 2018, 5:52 PM |
F25203513: newwikis-2018-08.png | |
Aug 21 2018, 5:52 PM |
New wikis have been created on August 2, 2018. They need to be added to the tables.
See screenshot below.
dzahn@wikistats-cowgirl:~$ php /usr/lib/wikistats/update.php wp prefix sat sent query: 'select * from wikipedias where prefix="sat"'. A(1/311) - - calling API: -> http answer: 200 -> parsing answer: 0 ---> OK - total: 1000 good: 344 edits: 9958 users: 387 active users: 37 admins: 1 images: 0 ---> update wikipedias set total="1000",good="344",edits="9958",users="387",activeusers="37",admins="1",images="0",http="200",ts=NOW() where id="324"; -- go to and order by UID descending, see new entry
MariaDB [wikistats]> insert into wmspecials (prefix,statsurl,method) values ("wikimania","", 8);
php /usr/lib/wikistats/update.php wx prefix wikimania sent query: 'select * from wmspecials where prefix="wikimania"'. A(1/72) - wmspecials. - calling API: -> http answer: 200 -> parsing answer: 0 ---> OK - total: 12 good: 0 edits: 50 users: 144 active users: 16 admins: 0 images: 0 ---> update wmspecials set total="12",good="0",edits="50",users="144",activeusers="16",admins="0",images="0",http="200",ts=NOW() where id="144"; 1 wikis succesfully updated. MariaDB [wikistats]> update wmspecials set lang="English",description="Wikimania" where prefix="wikimania";
MariaDB [wikistats]> insert into wikiversity (lang,prefix,loclang,loclanglink,method) select lang,prefix,loclang,loclanglink,method from wikipedias where prefix="zh";
php /usr//lib/wikistats/update.php wv prefix zh sent query: 'select * from wikiversity where prefix="zh"'. A(1/18) - - calling API: -> http answer: 200 -> parsing answer: 0 ---> OK - total: 3571 good: 656 edits: 53757 users: 1542 active users: 95 admins: 1 images: 1 ---> update wikiversity set total="3571",good="656",edits="53757",users="1542",activeusers="95",admins="1",images="1",http="200",ts=NOW() where id="19";
and the 4th one, id_internal is not a public wiki, so "You need read permission to use this module."; (T196747)
This concludes the new additions.