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Unnecessary codes in articles translated by Content translation tool in Arabic Wikipedia
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Hello, based on this discussion in arwiki, we noticed 24 articles translated by Content translation tool, with unnecessary codes included in this articles.

@Meno25 clean up all of this unnecessary codes after the discussion.

Examples (I'll put Meno25 clean up diff.) :

You can found other articles in here.

Event Timeline

This is created in Content Translation version 1. Content Translation version 2 has better handling for unnecessary HTML and wiki syntax. I recommend users try to switch to the new version on the Content Translation dashboard ( , click "جرب الإصدار الجديد" )

Also, it's quite likely that this was copied from some other website (perhaps Google Translate?) or from a word processor.

Finally, can anyone ask which browser version did this user use? Such things are more likely with older versions of Internet Explorer (but in any case, this is better handled in the new version of Content Translation).

This is created in Content Translation version 1. Content Translation version 2 has better handling for unnecessary HTML and wiki syntax. I recommend users try to switch to the new version on the Content Translation dashboard ( , click "جرب الإصدار الجديد" )

Related to T211571

Also, it's quite likely that this was copied from some other website (perhaps Google Translate?) or from a word processor.

Probably, but it happened with all of this users:

Finally, can anyone ask which browser version did this user use?

Done (user:AAMINE1965) and hope he'll replay soon (his last activity before 10 hours)

Finally, can anyone ask which browser version did this user use?

Done (user:AAMINE1965) and hope he'll replay soon (his last activity before 10 hours)

I don't understand good what he said, but he said he is using API with command line. + Chromium (web browser).

Nikerabbit claimed this task.
Nikerabbit subscribed.

CX2 shouldn't have this problem and CX1 is no longer available.