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Citoid should not add the language parameter to the cite template when the language matches the content language
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E.g. I go to the Hungarian Wikipedia, use Citoid to insert a link to a Hungarian newspaper, Citoid adds a languge=hu parameter. That does not seem helpful.

On one hand, the template should probably be intelligent enough to not display it, and having it helps to differentiate from cites where the language could not be detected, or the user created the template manually and did not bother to fill in the language (in both cases it might actually be in non-contentlang). On the other, citations are already a major wikitext usability problem so it's probably bad to add any unnecessary arguments to them.

Event Timeline

The en.wp template is intelligent enough not to display it. The problem is that the hu.wp template is not up to date. See also discussion at T156548: Disallow adding Czech language tag (cs-CZ) into citation templates on cswiki and T115326: Many language wiki templates (pl, it, en, cs) don't accept xx-XX style language codes.

As for 'not helpful', translators find it helpful as it is one fewer parameter for them to fill in during translation.