Currently the geocoordinate statements display a map. It would be nice if a map would be displayed for "OSM relation ID (P402)" statements as well. See past task: T184933
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It would also be useful to use the map to fetch the OSM items which are linked to the Wikidata item (edit: this is T173052). English Wikipedia's {{Infobox mapframe}} does this (example):
<mapframe zoom="13" frameless="1" align="center" height="200" latitude="-33.852232" longitude="151.210684" width="270">[ {"properties":{"stroke-width":3,"stroke":"#FF0000","title":"Sydney Harbour Bridge"},"type":"ExternalData","service":"geoshape","ids":"Q54495"}, {"properties":{"stroke-width":5,"stroke":"#FF0000","title":"Sydney Harbour Bridge"},"type":"ExternalData","service":"geoline","ids":"Q54495"}, {"type":"Feature","geometry":{"coordinates":[151.210684,-33.852232],"type":"Point"},"properties":{"title":"Sydney Harbour Bridge","marker-color":"#5E74F3"}} ]</mapframe>
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@Micru: This task is not invalid ("when the problem is not a bug, or when it is a change that is outside the power of the component's developers") until there are specific reasons provided.
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If people are interested in this I think it should start out as a gadget. I currently don't think it'll go into Wikibase itself unless there is huge demand.