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Investigate formal test framework for Oozie jobs
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I've just written a few new, fragile jobs and was hoping to write tests to cover the bits that make me nervous. Ideally, there would be a small sample of input data copied to test tables, and the job would produce an expected output in the destination tables, which could be compared.

There's currently no WMF standard for writing tests like this, so this task is for investigating what other organizations do.

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One alternative is a JUnit class meant for workflow and coordinator testing:

An example usage:

Seems like this will do what we want. I was able to run nearly out of the box, with only this minor patch (which might be due to a misconfiguration in my MacOS).

> mvn test
Running embedded servlet container at:
JobId: 0000000-190110154410625-oozie-awig-W
Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
greg subscribed.

removing Release-Engineering-Team as this seems like just an investigation task, please do let us know what you find out!

fdans moved this task from Incoming to Smart Tools for Better Data on the Analytics board.