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Apply new entity page mobile layout to error pages
Closed, ResolvedPublic


During the initial termbox changes (T207150, ...) the entity page header was changed to a new layout (e.g. smaller, gray entity id). These changes are only partially reflected on "entity pages" that show that the entity is not existing - resulting in a sub-optimal layout.


  • should the new layout (e.g. smaller, gray entity id) be applied here, too
  • how useful is the "watch star" in this scenario (probably would not even work)


Bildschirmfoto von 2019-01-11 12-51-04.png (833×376 px, 62 KB)

Development (with latest changes):

Bildschirmfoto von 2019-01-11 12-51-20.png (833×376 px, 45 KB)

Event Timeline

Just to be super sure: What is on production is the result of our changes? And previously the error page looked something like

Bildschirmfoto 2019-01-16 um 10.05.22.png (302×786 px, 39 KB)

Pablo-WMDE claimed this task.

Apparently this healed itself (curtesy of minerva changes I assume).