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Recommendation API end point has disappeared after the upgrade
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The morelike end point is missing from

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mobrovac subscribed.

PR #1110 fixes the issue. It will be live in production next week. Thanks @bmansurov for noticing and @Clarakosi for fixing!

As a followup - should we enable some x-amples checks for this endpoint?

For a reliable x-amples check we need a request that will always work. We probably can not expect some specific articles in the response, but getting a 200 might be a solid-enough test. What do you think @bmansurov ?

Oh hell @bmansurov we do have x-amples tests... The patch will enable them.

Hm. This kind of a bug is really tricky - spotting indent issues in big yaml files is hard, and with a yaml indent issue the x-amples are automagically not parsed correctly - thus not executed.

I will file a ticket to solve this problem.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2019-04-08T18:06:25Z] <mobrovac@deploy1001> Started deploy [restbase/deploy@9cf5364]: Lower AQS rate limits and fix recommendation-api spec - T219910 T220221

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2019-04-08T18:27:40Z] <mobrovac@deploy1001> Finished deploy [restbase/deploy@9cf5364]: Lower AQS rate limits and fix recommendation-api spec - T219910 T220221 (duration: 21m 14s)