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Joe triaged this task as Unbreak Now! priority.May 6 2019, 11:52 AM

My patches are also stuck in the queue, and I'm seeing teammates manually V+2 their Puppet changes.

My patches are also stuck in the queue, and I'm seeing teammates manually V+2 their Puppet changes.

Same here with my patches.

Change 508323 had a related patch set uploaded (by Hashar; owner: Hashar):
[integration/config@master] Revert "zuul: skip test/test-prio for CR+2 changes"

Change 508323 merged by jenkins-bot:
[integration/config@master] Revert "zuul: skip test/test-prio for CR+2 changes"

hashar claimed this task.

I broke Zuul workflow earlier this morning when deploying a change for T105474 despite tests :-( I have reverted the config change and it should be all fine now.

I guess I should have more carefully monitored that deployment or I had too much confidence in it :-\ I apologize for the delay, I was not really paying attention to phabricator or IRC notifications :-\

Thank you very much @hashar \o/, I can confirm that the pipeline is back up & running.

hashar added subscribers: herron, Volans.

Sorry for the mess today, I was really not paying attention to any IRC notifications and was otherwise busy with other duties :-(

Thanks @CDanis @Joe @Volans @herron and others I have forgot!

The incident report with some actionables: