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Send mentor's username to Growthexperiments-homepage-mentorship-header message
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In Czech, translation of word "mentor" should differ by mentor's gender. For that purpose, I need a parameter containing mentor's username, so I can use it with GENDER. Temporarily overrode TWN's translate with

Other messages like Growthexperiments-homepage-mentorship-intro already contains mentor's username, and I don't see why this shouldn't.

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Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

Change 513912 had a related patch set uploaded (by Urbanecm; owner: Urbanecm):
[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] Send mentor's username to Growthexperiments-homepage-mentorship-header message

Change 513912 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/GrowthExperiments@master] Send mentor's username to Growthexperiments-homepage-mentorship-header message

The label was corrected to "growthexperiments-homepage-mentorship-header": "{{GENDER:$1|Your}} {{GENDER:$2|mentor}}"

@Urbanecm - please confirm that the following behavior is correct:

User A marks "she" and was assigned a mentor who also marks "she": the header is - Vaše mentorka. All is correct.

User B marks "he" and was assigned a mentor who marks "she": the header is - Váš mentor.
Should it be be mentorka since a mentor remains with "she"?

The label was corrected to "growthexperiments-homepage-mentorship-header": "{{GENDER:$1|Your}} {{GENDER:$2|mentor}}"

I don't get you. Where it was corrected?

@Urbanecm - please confirm that the following behavior is correct:

User A marks "she" and was assigned a mentor who also marks "she": the header is - Vaše mentorka. All is correct.


User B marks "he" and was assigned a mentor who marks "she": the header is - Váš mentor.
Should it be be mentorka since a mentor remains with "she"?

Yes, it should. That's probably because I didn't touch cs translation. I plan to do that via translatewiki as soon as the change is there. seems to still say {{GENDER:$1|Your}} mentor, so I can't update the translation.

Yes, I saw that translatewiki is not updated. It turned out that usually there is a delay. Ok, thanks - I'll be checking later.

{{GENDER:$2|{{GENDER:$1|Váš}} mentor|Vaše mentorka}} is on Growth Experiments - Homepage.