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Consult legal about A/B test instrumentation
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Task overview

This task involves the work with making sure legal is comfortable with how we are planning to implement the VE as default A/B test

Changes to communicate to legal

What about the schema is changing?

  • We are added a new field – anonymous_user_token – to the EditAttemptStep schema
  • The anonymous_user_token field will contain a temporarily-assigned unique ID
  • The anonymous_user_token field will only affect anonymous users included in the A/B test.
  • These changes are reflected in this diff: Add anonymous user token field

Why are we making these changes?

Questions for legal

  • By further de-anonymizing IP editors, would we be putting editors to these wikis at risk?
    • If yes, are there certain wikis in this list that we should exclude IP from being included in the test?
  • Is it okay for us to create a persistent identifier for anonymous contributors (doing this this would make anonymous contributors "less anonymous")?


  • Send legal request for instrumentation approval
  • Legal has given us feedback about what – if any – changes need to be made to the test design for it to comply with Foundation policies.

Event Timeline

ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)
ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)
ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)

"Closing" this task considering the below. Thanks for resolving this so quickly, @JTannerWMF.

We received Legal approval. Leighanna's response: It sounds like you've come up with a good, privacy-protective experiment! The plan for implementing and retaining the data from anonymous_user_token sounds good to me. You're good to go.

ppelberg updated the task description. (Show Details)