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Review sizing of maps cluster
Closed, DeclinedPublic


After a recent maps incident, there is an open question if our maps clusters are sized appropriately to support the full load from a single data center. Additional testing is required to validate this hypothesis.

Event Timeline

Gehel triaged this task as High priority.Jul 19 2019, 8:55 AM
Gehel added a project: Wikimedia-Incident.

Hi @Gehel any news on this?

Sadly, no news yet :(

LSobanski lowered the priority of this task from High to Medium.Nov 4 2022, 3:02 PM
LSobanski subscribed.

Considering this task is over 3 years old and there have been changes to the Maps infrastructure, I'll lower the priority and ask if this request is still relevant?

We didn't have any load specific issues lately and some of our infra concerns for maps are already tracked in other tickets.
On top of that, after the infrastructure is much different.

I dont think this request is still relevant from a maps maintenance point of view, but I will defer to the original author of ticket.

fgiunchedi subscribed.

I'm going to be bold and decline the task -- while it is seems something valid in general I don't think anyone is actively working on it. Of course reopen as needed!