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iOS13 [Feature] - Handle .well-known/change-password redirect
Closed, DeclinedPublicSpike


Not sure if this affects the app but it will with web.

In Safari 13 and iOS13 - "...when a user signs into a website and Safari notices that the password they just used was weak, Safari will prompt the user to go and visit the website to change the password. If the user accepts Safari's offer, they'll be taken over to Settings where they can change their password."

Need to add a redirect to our change password screen on the server at ".../.well-known/change-password", then the user will be taken directly to the change password screen.

Event Timeline

Something to test in app on iOS 13. Looks like it might only apply to web.

@Tgr Yep, looks like it. Originally there were thoughts that there may be an app-side component to this but the WWDC video explicitly says when you log in on a website. I tried testing on device to be sure but I can't get around our own strong password requirements. I think this iOS task can be closed.