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Look into CSP changes in core
Closed, ResolvedPublic0 Estimated Story Points


Which tasks should we be watching? What are their plans and timelines? How will this affect us?

Event Timeline

The grandparent task for CSP in core is T28508

That RFC leaves till the last step fully blocking 3rd party images and iframes, but the report-only CSP currently being served does report on those. So if they go to step 6 (actually enforcing CSP on the main wikis) without adding exceptions to img-src and child-src they'll break the RML form.

Thanks for looking into this @Ejegg. How does this impact our us and our projects?

Had a meeting with the security team today, where we determined that there will not be any changes coming from them in the next 6 months that will break RML for the banners. They've got a whole lot of other components to work through before they can make CSP enforcing. However, they would be happy if we had a plan to improve privacy next year for donors using that feature.

Ejegg triaged this task as Medium priority.