db1063, the current m1 master is having broken disk quite often already (1 per week) and Chris has let us know that there are two more about to fail (T231199#5443385)
We need to find a date to swap this host with db1135.
m1 currently holds the following active databases:
bacula etherpadlite librenms puppet (not in use - to be deleted) racktables rt
We don't have much dates without switchovers scheduled already, so I am proposing the following day:
Tuesday 10th September at 16:00 UTC
@akosiaris @Dzahn @ayounsi you've helped in the past to verify/restart services affected by this failover (mostly restarting services).
The failover shouldn't take longer than a few seconds (it is a matter of restarting an HAProxy to point to the new host).