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Localise Scribunto strings for ban
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The following strings should be localised:

Magic word
/** English (English) */
$magicWords['en'] = [
	'invoke' => [ 0, 'invoke' ],
Scribunto namespaces
$namespaceNames['en'] = [
	828 => 'Module',
	829 => 'Module_talk',

Thank you.

Event Timeline

/** Balinese (Bali) */
$magicWords['ban'] = [
'invoke' => [ 0, 'nunas' ],

$namespaceNames['ban'] = [
828 => 'Modul',
829 => 'Pabligbagan modul',

Change 541206 had a related patch set uploaded (by Jon Harald Søby; owner: Jon Harald Søby):
[mediawiki/extensions/Scribunto@master] Localize Scribunto strings for Balinese

In T234769#5550744, @cahyo.ramadhani wrote:

/** Balinese (Bali) */
$magicWords['ban'] = [
'invoke' => [ 0, 'nunas' ],

$namespaceNames['ban'] = [
828 => 'Modul',
829 => 'Pabligbagan modul',

Thanks! In the talk namespace, I capitalized the word "Modul", since that is what was used for all other talk namespaces as reported by @Joseagush , and has been submitted here:
Please let me know if any of it needs correction.

Change 541206 merged by jenkins-bot:
[mediawiki/extensions/Scribunto@master] Localize Scribunto strings for Balinese

jhsoby claimed this task.

Note: the above change is only on master, not on 1.35.0-wmf.1, so banwiki will exist without localized Scribunto strings for a few days, if I’m not mistaken.