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Enable write access for Mathew.onipe(onimisionipe) and gehel on wikidata gui repo
Closed, ResolvedPublic


We need write access on this repo to allow merging and WDQS deployment. Repo is:

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Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript

There is also a Jenkins job which runs a build step and upload the result to wikidata/query/gui-deploy.,access
group wikidata-query-gui,members
Which only has Stas.,access
group wikidata-query-deploy,members
Which only has Stas.

I think the idea was to decouple who can +2 changes to the source repositories versus who can approve the build made by Jenkins.

The wikidata group,members additionally has access to both repositories.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-releng) [2019-10-10T10:35:35Z] <hashar> gerrit: added onimisionipe and gehel to wikidata-query-gui groups # T235159

hashar claimed this task.

You are now in as well as @Gehel

I have left Stas as a member, you should be able to remove him from the group if needed.

Note that all WMDE members as well as members of the wikidata group (,members ) both have full access to both repositories :-]

…though they might not necessarily know what to do with it :)

Edit: oh wait, we’re talking about the gui repo, not the gui deploy repo. I know what to do with the gui repo :D