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Switching partner to Bundle should remove authorizations
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In T234621 we added logic for updating expiry dates for authorization objects when partner objects are switched to the Proxy authorization method. We need to do the same for Bundle.

In this case, we want to expire or delete all existing authorizations, because they no longer have meaning, and ensure that the Bundle authorization-generation method we settle on (T236781) fills in those authorizations. I'm not sure we'll be able to trigger a per-partner update, so this might just happen naturally over time.

Event Timeline

Samwalton9-WMF renamed this task from Switching partner to Bundle should remove authorizations and generate bundle ones to Switching partner to Bundle should remove authorizations.Oct 29 2019, 2:14 PM
Samwalton9-WMF triaged this task as Medium priority.
Samwalton9-WMF created this task.

We're actually just going to leave existing auths, since users would expect their access to continue even if they didnt meet the activity criteria. We'll just make sure Bundle auth generation plays nicely with existing auths.