"As a Curator, I want to undo a revision, so that the changes made by the author are no longer part of the page content."
POST /page/{title}/undo
Request body: JSON
- id: ID of revision to undo (required)
- comment: additional comment (optional)
Status code:
200 - successfully undone; the body contains the new revision created by undoing the input one
400 - client error, like no such revision or revision is not in the page history
401 - the client is not authenticated and this wiki requires authentication to undo a revision
403 - the client is authenticated, but the authenticated user is forbidden to undo this revision
404 - No such page
409 - Conflict, the undo can't be done cleanly
Body: JSON, revision created by the undo action, with these properties:
- id: revision ID of the new revision created by the undo (not the revision that was undone)
- page: Object with these fields
- id: ID of the page
- title: current title of the page (might have been changed)
- user: user who made the change, object with these fields
- id: ID of the user or null for anonymous
- name: name of the user or unique identifier for anonymous
- comment: User comment ("edit summary") describing the change that generated this revision
- timestamp: time the revision was made
- size: size of the revision in "bogobytes" (as from DB, usually bytes)
- delta: change from previous revision in "bogobytes" (as from DB, usually bytes)
- minor: whether the revision was minor; boolean