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mobile-de-04 | Different banners and different height
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Over the time the slider banner has become bigger. We want to "retest" a smaller banner from HK18 to see if we loose banner impression due to the height difference.

Acceptance criterias

  • CTRL: CTRL of Test 02
  • VAR: this banner from HK18 but with the same copy as slide 1 "Liebe Leserinnen und Leser [break] Über 7 Millionen Mal wird unser Spendenaufruf täglich angezeigt, aber nur X Menschen haben bisher gespendet. Wenn alle die das jetzt lesen, einen kleinen Beitrag leisten, wäre unsere Spendenkampagne am heutigen [weekday] vorbei. Maybe it would be wise to use VAR of Test 1 since that is the same banner with the correct P2 that we used for Test 1 in HK19 (but we made the height equal)
  • VAR ought to be smaller even with modified text

grafik.png (338×486 px, 137 KB)

Event Timeline

tmletzko renamed this task from Different banners and different height to mob-de-03 | Different banners and different height.Nov 26 2019, 10:55 AM
Tim_WMDE moved this task from Doing to Acceptance Test on the WMDE-FUN-Funban-2019 board.
Tim_WMDE subscribed.
  • on VAR the sms hint is not the same as CTRL. Please adjust it (centered, wrong "1.") to the one in CTRL
  • trackings have to be adjusted to Friday


Done, I have set it to Friday 11 am UTC and also set the current campaign to expire at that time. Let me know if any more changes are needed, otherwise the banners will go live automagically on Friday.

kai.nissen renamed this task from mob-de-03 | Different banners and different height to mob-de-04 | Different banners and different height.Nov 29 2019, 11:41 AM
kai.nissen renamed this task from mob-de-04 | Different banners and different height to mobile-de-04 | Different banners and different height.Nov 29 2019, 11:47 AM

Test slots have been switched. Code has already been submitted for this one, please see wmde/fundraising-banners#280.