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Huggle uses deprecated `rvparse`
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The property rvparse to the Action API prop=revisions has been deprecated since MediaWiki 1.30 in 2017. Clients should use action=parse to parse a page's wikitext to HTML when necessary.

Discussion on T241208 is considering removing rvparse to improve site stability and performance. You may want to convert to action=parse now rather than waiting to see if the decision is made to actually remove rvparse.

Event Timeline

There are multiple problems with this, it's burried in very old code that I wrote so long time ago I am not sure about the logic anymore. This commit removes it - but it needs some intensive testing, because I literally just removed the rvparse from API call and now I am observing what it broke.

The weird part is, that I can't see that anything is broken - why did we even use this rvparse thing in a first place?

BTW I can already see another deprecation warning for some other API call, you deprecate these API calls in a light speed... Even that action=parse is already full of deprecated options, I think you should think things through before release ;)

I mean, try to get some inspiration from UNIX, it was invented around 1970 and most of old C code from that time still compile on modern UNIXes... that's what I call a stable API :P

Petrb claimed this task.

ok I couldn't find any issue after I removed it, I believe it's resolved now, this version with fix was not released yet, and even when it is, old versions of Huggle will still be used for a while though.