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creating new instances in devtools fails
Closed, InvalidPublic


In the parent task you granted us the new project "devtools" (Thanks!).

I just tried to create a new instance in it. I can go through the usual forms and select the image and name etc.. and submit it.

But after that nothing seems to happen. I don't see any new instance(s) in the list and the summary of the project keeps saying there are 0 instances.

I tried to repeat it 3 times also with a different size and name and i do not get any errors.

Could you take a look why instance creation appears to fail?

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Event Timeline

Dzahn triaged this task as Medium priority.
Dzahn added a subscriber: Bstorm.

It seems to work for me to create instances. Maybe it's his account or the browser that's the issue?

It turns out it really is the browser. It doesn't work in Brave but it does work in Firefox.

Well.. not sure if the bug is in the browser or Horizon but i will close it again.. just "fiy" in case another user runs into this.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-cloud) [2019-12-23T04:14:41Z] <mutante> - turns out instance creation doesn't work using Brave browser but does work using Firefox (T241345) - created phabricator-prod-1001