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Snackbar for new task (tag images)
Closed, ResolvedPublic1 Estimated Story Points


sev4-02.png (1×720 px, 493 KB)

  • Snackbar appears once for every user when V4 is released.
  • Copy: Add image tags to make them easier for others to find.
  • Why a snackbar? We don’t have push notifications yet.
  • Obvs only show to logged-in users b/c only they have access to use SE.
  • Existing snackbar advertising SE takes precedence - for new installs, show only existing snackbar, rather than this one.

👉 Visuals on Zeplin

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Event Timeline

scblr updated the task description. (Show Details)
scblr updated the task description. (Show Details)
Charlotte set the point value for this task to 1.

I wasn’t able to check out the snackbar. Tried it with three different accounts but it wasn’t showing up. Any idea why @Dbrant ?

@schoenbaechler It's possible that you've already accidentally "seen" the snackbar, which is preventing it from appearing again.
You can go to Developer Preferences and scroll down to the "Suggested edits" section, where you'll see the showImageTagsTooltip item, which you can re-enable.

Ok, thanks @Dbrant! Checked it out. Two things:

01) Pulsating outer circle is cut off. Can we make it a tad smaller? See designs on Zeplin.

Screenshot_20200211-104742.png (2×1 px, 1001 KB)

02) Top and bottom padding of the snackbar seems off, can we reduce it to what’s specified on Zeplin?

Screenshot_20200211-104707.png (2×1 px, 886 KB)

Pulsating outer circle is cut off. Can we make it a tad smaller?


Top and bottom padding of the snackbar seems off

This is in fact the default styling of the system component that we're using. I don't see a clear way of customizing it to have the exact padding that we want.

This is in fact the default styling of the system component that we're using. I don't see a clear way of customizing it to have the exact padding that we want.

Ok, let’s keep it the way it is. I remember now that Sharvani mentioned this some time ago as well.

Thanks @Dbrant, moving it to QA signoff. 🚀