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Request to add Silvan Heintze to the ldap/wmde group
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I’m employed at WMDE as a developer and would like to be added to the ldap/wmde group.
My Wikitech username is Silvan Heintze, and my shell username is sihe.

I need to

  • sign NDA with WMF legal for LDAP access
  • get added to ldap/wmde

Event Timeline

If WMDE has internal docs then please remove WMF-NDA-Requests from it. Thanks.

As Silvan's line manager, I endorse this request and confirm he is WMDE employee.
@RStallman-legalteam mind filing an NDA for Silvan and sending it to him via email to sign?

@Aklapper: what do you mean by "internal docs"? WMDE has been following and hence using WMF-NDA-Requests.

@WMDE-leszek: I fail to find any mention of the #WMF-NDA-Requests Phab project tag in the section at . Could you clarify why this tag was added to this task?

Sorry @Aklapper, I was wrong. We have copied the tag over in the template we're using, while it indeed is not needed. I am fixing WMDE template now.

Earlier today I erronously looked at the wrong section which mentions WMF-NDA-Requests. That was rubbish, sorry for the noise!

@ Silvan_WMDE - I will send you the NDA via Docusign. The link will be emailed to your WMDE account. Thanks!

Dzahn renamed this task from Request to be added to the ldap/wmde group to Request to add Silvan Heintze to the ldap/wmde group.Jan 8 2020, 12:54 AM
Dzahn subscribed.

Hi Silvan, assigning this ticket to you for signing the NDA. Once that is done please assign it back to "nobody' or me or just leave a comment. Thanks!

Thanks everyone, I just signed the NDA.

Yes, the NDA is signed and filed. Thanks all!

Change 562910 had a related patch set uploaded (by Dzahn; owner: Dzahn):
[operations/puppet@production] admins: add Silvan Heintze to ldap_only_admins (WMDE)

Change 562910 merged by Dzahn:
[operations/puppet@production] admins: add Silvan Heintze to ldap_only_admins (WMDE)

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2020-01-08T19:16:08Z] <mutante> LDAP - added 'sihe' to 'wmde' and 'nda' (T242080)

Dzahn updated the task description. (Show Details)

@Silvan_WMDE Done! Things should work as expected now. You are in the LDAP group(s).