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Misplaced Currency Symbol on Desktop Large - Nag banner in Hebrew
Closed, ResolvedPublicBUG REPORT


The currency symbol for banners in Hebrew is misplaced (see attached screenshot)

MisplacedCurrencySymbolHebrew.png (96×1 px, 7 KB)

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open
  2. Scroll down until nag appears
  3. Observe currency symbol appears to the left of text

Actual Results:
Currently the currency symbol appears to the left of the text

Expected Results:
We would expect the currency symbol to appear to the left of the number

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Event Timeline

Updating priority to P3 since Big Bundle campaign needs this, but only affects one country

I'm not sure how to fix this until we have the translations input. @TSkaff do you have an eta for that?

Responding to the above question ... Hebrew text are in Meta Translate (although not yet reviewed) ... so at least there is something to work with!

I'm just going to keep this bug open for now until all of the translated text has been input.

jbolorinos-ctr claimed this task.

image.png (214×1 px, 48 KB)

Fix verified, closing this now.