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bzimport uses deprecated certificate auth
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Proposing to decline this task and to archive the account @bzimport as I don't think it will ever be used again

Proposing to decline this task and to archive the account @bzimport as I don't think it will ever be used again

Sure, that's a valid outcome :).

Though in that case, we should also clean it up out of puppet, cleaning up phabtools and phabtools_user etc from puppet - if it's no longer needed

Might need a bit of unravelling etc

Is @bzimport the account used to import previous activity from bugzilla to Phabricator? If so, do you think we should inform people before shutting down the import service to give folks the last chance to import their BZ activity into Phab (so tickets are properly attributed, etc.?)

I'm refering to

I cannot imagine that the import script still works, given code changes and DB schema changes over the last 5+ years since we moved from Bugzilla to Phabricator.

Plus I don't think that has anything to do with accessing the account @bzimport? there i a "Disable user" link on "manage" page for it. Should we click? @20after4 agrees?

edit: bot user has been disabled. disabled is not the same as deleted.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-operations) [2020-01-15T22:40:14Z] <mutante> phabricator - disabling 'bzimport' user (T242860)

regarding cleanup, not sure if we really want to delete the entire phabtools auth.

it was added in

phabtools.conf is a config file used by the
migration logic, and ongoing history assignment
logic that was unpuppetized for reasons that are
now fixed.
Dzahn triaged this task as Medium priority.Jan 15 2020, 10:57 PM

priority normal now that the user is disabled ? (disabled != deleted, so it could be re-enabled)

regarding cleanup, not sure if we really want to delete the entire phabtools auth.

it was added in

phabtools.conf is a config file used by the
migration logic, and ongoing history assignment
logic that was unpuppetized for reasons that are
now fixed.

Are we likely to have any ongoing history assignment?

There are some RT tickets that have not been imported and RT is still alive. There is a small chance we might want to use that to import them as private tickets instead of needing to create an RT-static to keep them and get rid of RT. Maybe let's first just remove the Bugzilla part but not both?

Aklapper lowered the priority of this task from Medium to Lowest.Jan 13 2021, 1:11 PM

There are some RT tickets that have not been imported and RT is still alive. There is a small chance we might want to use that to import them as private tickets instead of needing to create an RT-static to keep them and get rid of RT. Maybe let's first just remove the Bugzilla part but not both?

Not sure anyone on this ticket will be able to answer, anyway: states that procurement@ is still being handled in RT. Is that correct or is that outdated?
(Cannot check myself as I cannot get into RT anymore, nowadays tells me "Service access denied due to missing privileges.")

Given that the S4 space and procurement exist, are there any RT tickets from >6y ago that SRE really wants to still import into Phab? Are there stats / do we know if people still access to check historical tickets, so RT has not been sunsetted yet (cannot find a ticket about sunsetting)?

@bzimport account has been disabled, after more than 5 years of the Bugzilla to Phabricator migration, and the migration code is not maintained anymore. Declining to reflect reality.