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Commons video player does not work on IE 11 or older versions of Safari
Closed, InvalidPublic


It was observed during the Thank you campaign this year that the Commons video codec does not work on IE 11 nor on older versions of Safari. It would be great if this video player worked on these browsers, as we have to resort to using Youtube as a platform otherwise.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open this video in IE 11 -

<iframe src="//" width="677.333" height="381" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>

  1. Observe player does not load video

Expected Results:
It would be great if the commons video player worked on IE 11 and older versions of Safari.

Actual Results:
Currently the commons video player does not work on IE 11 or older versions of Safari

Event Timeline

Just adding a note that this issue is not immediately impacting the Fundraising Team since the Thank You campaign is already over, so this is a very low priority bug.

It would be great if this could be fixed for next year possibly, so we can use the commons player in our thank you campaign of next year.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns.


Hmm, is currently working for me in IE 11 (though with low performance) and should be working in Safari as well (with much better performance). Can you confirm whether the URL works independently of the iframe, or whether it only fails in the iframe?

(Note that Safari and IE don't support the codecs we use, hence a JavaScript/WebAssembly shim is used for playback. There might also be some specific reason why the shim is or was failing in your environment, and I would love to help debugging it if it's still failing!)

Hey Brion,

Just to confirm, the URL - - is where the video does not load in IE 11 and in older Safari versions.

The link - - works for me also in IE 11.

Can you check with this page?

I've copied just the iframe over from the thank-you page, and for me it works in both Safari 13 and IE 11. (Haven't tested older Safari versions yet, my old macOS VMs are at home somewhere) Beware that IE requires Flash, which is present by default in Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

I notice your page has some Content-Security-Policy settings. Could these interfere with the scripts in the iframe when it's used perhaps? If I replace the iframe URL with the Wikimedia one using developer tools, it works for me in both IE 11 and Safari 13. What versions of Safari does it fail in for you, and what error messages are in the console?

Hey Brion,

My apologies on the very delayed response on this, after investigating the links you provided I can confirm this link works for me - - on IE 11

Also surprisingly this version is also now working fine on IE 11 - - so I think we can go ahead and close this now.

Thanks so much for all your help!

Closing as invalid as I'm no longer able to replicate this error