The following query yields ERROR 1054 (42S22): Unknown column 'rev_comment_id' in 'on clause'.
SELECT rev_timestamp, actor_name, page_title, rev_parent_id FROM revision JOIN comment ON rev_comment_id = comment_id JOIN actor ON rev_actor = actor_id JOIN page ON rev_page = page_id WHERE (EXISTS (SELECT * FROM change_tag WHERE ct_rev_id = rev_id AND ct_tag_id = 22) /* ="Android app edit" */ OR comment_text LIKE "%Via Commons Mobile App%" OR comment_text LIKE "%using Android Commons%" OR comment_text LIKE "%COM:MOA%") AND rev_timestamp >= "20200201" AND rev_timestamp < "20200209" ORDER BY rev_timestamp DESC
Is there a way to adapt the query so that it will work with the updated schemas and achieve the same result as before? This task's author looked around at some of the table definitions in MariaDB, documentation, and Phabricator but wasn't completely sure of the best way.