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View a list of all properties when federation is enabled
Closed, ResolvedPublic5 Estimated Story Points


As a Wikibase Editor, I want to find out more details about different federated properties (scope, constraint definitions, usage examples) so I know how to use them to make statements.

Current State
Currently, users would access Special:ListProperties to browse through properties in their local Wikibase. In the federated properties MVP, there will be no local properties.

MVP Version
When a user navigates to the list of properties, they should see an intermediate screen containing a message that they will need to leave the local instance and go to the external Wikidata page (there will be a clickable link to the / remote Wikibase list of properties page, e.g.

BDD (displaying the interim page)
Given My wikibase has federated properties enabled
WhenI navigate to Special:ListProperties
Then an interim page is displayed explaining that I must navigate to the source Wiki [see mock]

BDD (accessing the remote list of properties)
Given I have loaded Special:ListProperties with federated properties enabled
WhenI select the link to view the list of properties on the source wiki
Then Special:ListProperties on the source wiki opens according to my default browser behavior


T246339_ListOfPropertiesPage.png (1×2 px, 208 KB)

Link to original design in Figma.
Link to notice message component specs.

Event Timeline

Samantha_Alipio_WMDE renamed this task from View a list of all federated properties to View a list of all properties when federation is enabled.May 28 2020, 1:38 PM
Samantha_Alipio_WMDE updated the task description. (Show Details)