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2017 wikitext editor: multilingual SVG not rendered in content language
Closed, DuplicatePublicBUG REPORT


Steps to Reproduce:
Edit with 2017-wikitext-editor (maybe also with the default editor)

Copied from

If I use a image such as [[File:COVID-19_Health_care_limit.svg|mini|lang=de|description]] it shows the image in the default language (e.g. english) not in German (de). As soon as I save the page it is in German. Since I create multilingual svgs, I would like to check them before using in articles.

This image is used here:

Actual Results:
dispays the image with the default language (english)

220px-COVID-19_Health_care_limit.svg.png (103×220 px, 5 KB)

Expected Results:
display the image in German (lang=de)

langde-220px-COVID-19_Health_care_limit.svg2.png (103×220 px, 5 KB)

Event Timeline

Hmm, that is strange.. I think the rest api should take the content language into account.. Unlike UI language (T166723)
@ssastry is this a regression that was missed in parsoid php perhaps ? or maybe parsoid never supported it ?

curl -X POST "" -H "accept: text/html; charset=utf-8; profile=""" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F "wikitext=[[Datei:COVID-19_importance_of_social_distancing.svg|mini|Je früher man Maßnahmen ergreift, desto eher kann man Spätfolgen verhindern, da ein Tag früher oder später einen wesentlichen Effekt hat.]]" -F "body_only=true" -F "stash=true"
<figure class="mw-default-size" typeof="mw:Image/Thumb" id="mwAQ"><a href="./Datei:COVID-19_importance_of_social_distancing.svg" id="mwAg"><img resource="./Datei:COVID-19_importance_of_social_distancing.svg" src="//" data-file-width="2986" data-file-height="1804" data-file-type="drawing" height="133" width="220" srcset="// 2x, // 1.5x" id="mwAw"/></a><figcaption id="mwBA">Je früher man Maßnahmen ergreift, desto eher kann man Spätfolgen verhindern, da ein Tag früher oder später einen wesentlichen Effekt hat.</figcaption></figure>
TheDJ renamed this task from 2017 wikitext editor: systemLanguage (multilingual svg) not supported in preview to 2017 wikitext editor: multilingual SVG not rendered in content language.Mar 14 2020, 7:34 PM

How can I close/mark it as duplicate of T208620 ?