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Support for labels and descriptions
Closed, ResolvedPublic


integraality currently only supports properties (and properties with qualifiers).

There is no reason we could not support computing completion for labels and/or descriptions in a given language (Originally reported by @Raimund-Liebert-WMAT).

To sort out:


We need a syntax for configuring this in the {Property dashboard template}.

Integraality so far borrowed the Listeria syntax:

  • labels use label/xx (with xx the language code, eg label/de)
  • description use description ; there does not seem to support languages, but we could extend naturally to description/xx

Although I find the QuickStatements syntax maybe more elegant:

  • labels use Lxx (with xx the langcode)
  • descriptions use Dxx (ditto)

→ TODO: decide on which syntax to use.


We need the relevant SPARQL queries for:

  • Items within a group with a given label
  • Items within a group without a given label
  • Items with no group with a given label
  • Items with no group without a given label
  • Total Items with a given label
  • Total Items without a given label


First rough plan:

  1. in
    1. Create an equivalent to PropertyConfig (or extend it?) for Labels/Descriptions
    2. Create all methods with the SPARQL queries
    3. Get these methods used:
      1. Either if/else call them in the make_*
      2. Alternatively, move these methods to the PropertyConfig object, and rely on polymorphism.
  2. in pages_processor, extend parse_config_properties to support the new syntax and create the 1.A object.

Event Timeline

JeanFred triaged this task as Medium priority.Mar 29 2020, 2:15 PM
JeanFred raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.Apr 16 2020, 10:48 AM
JeanFred moved this task from Backlog to Enhancements on the Tool-inteGraality board.

Regarding the syntax I brainstormed with @VIGNERON and the QS syntax is the winner :)

Items within a group with a given label

SELECT DISTINCT ?entity ?entityLabel ?value ?valueLabel WHERE {
  ?entity wdt:P31 wd:Q41960;
    wdt:P551 wd:Q3115846.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "fr". }
    ?entity rdfs:label ?lang_label.
    FILTER((LANG(?lang_label)) = "de")

Items within a group without a given label

SELECT DISTINCT ?entity ?entityLabel ?value ?valueLabel WHERE {
  ?entity wdt:P31 wd:Q41960;
    wdt:P551 wd:Q3115846.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "fr". }
    ?entity rdfs:label ?lang_label.
    FILTER((LANG(?lang_label)) = "de")

And for descriptions: use schema:description

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-cloud) [2020-04-24T22:22:06Z] <wm-bot> <jeanfred> Deploy latest from Git master: 6963040, 35a3ea7, 22e27b5, 9dd44ff, 0e45815, 6f36ffd (T248788)

With R2566:6f36ffd616e9, there is partial support for labels: statistics will be computer with the Lde syntax − see eg

Still missing is:

  • Looking glass feature / Todo mode
  • Descriptions

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-cloud) [2020-04-29T20:33:48Z] <wm-bot> <jeanfred> Deploy latest from Git master: eabbac8, b74b352 (T248788)

With R2566:b74b35227cf9, the queries feature is working as well.

Mentioned in SAL (#wikimedia-cloud) [2020-05-01T22:58:59Z] <wm-bot> <jeanfred> Deploy latest from Git master: f0db935, f8d9fdf, f57c060, 6c534b7 (T248788)

JeanFred claimed this task.

Closing this as resolved, as most of the functionality is there. Follow-up work can be filed as separate tasks.